The best dhikr
- The Messenger of Allah (s) said: ‘Two words, which are easy to say, beloved to the Most-Merciful and heavy in the scales:'Subhanallah wa bi hamdihi, Subhanallah al-Adtheem.'
Meaning: Far removed is Allah from every imperfection and I begin with His praise. Far removed is Allah from every imperfection and He is the Greatest.’
(Bukhari) - The Messenger of Allah (s) said: ‘Whoever says: ‘Subhanallah wa bi’hamdihi’ [Far removed is Allah from every imperfection and I begin with His praise] 100 times every morning or every evening, his sins would be expiated even if they were as much as the foam of the sea.
(Bukhari) - The Messenger of Allah (s) said: ‘Whoever gets up at night and says:'Laa ilaahah il'laa Allah wahadahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul mulk wa lahul hamd wa huwa ala kul'lee shai'in qadeer. Alhamdulilah wa subhanal'laah wa laa ilaahah il'lal'laah wal'laaho akbar wa laa hawla wa laa quwata il'laa bil'laah’ and he then says: ‘Al’laahum’ma ighfir’lee’ or he asks Allah whatever he wants, Allah would accept his supplication, and if he performs wudhu and prays, his prayer would be accepted.’
Meaning: There is nothing worthy of being worshipped except Allah, who has no partner, to Him belongs the Dominion and Praise and He is all capable over all things. All praise is due to Allah, far removed is He from every imperfection, there is nothing worthy of being worshipped except Allah, and Allah is the Greatest, and no change from a condition to another condition can be achieved, nor is there strength except by Allah. O’ Allah forgive me.
(Bukhari) - The Prophet (s) said: ‘To say Subhanallah, Alhamdulilah, and Laa ilaaha il’la Allah wal laawho akbar is more beloved to me then all that the sun has risen over.’
(Muslim) - The Prophet (s) said: ‘Would one of you not be able to gain a thousand rewards a day? Say ‘Subhanallah’ a hundred times, and a thousand rewards would be recorded for you and a thousand sins would be effaced (from your record).’
(Muslim) -
The Prophet (s) said: ‘Whoever asks Allah to exalt my mention and render me safe from every derogatory thing, Allah would give him ten rewards and efface ten sins (from his record).’
(Ibn Hibban) -
The Prophet (s) said: ‘Cleanliness is equal to half of faith, saying Alhamdulilah would fill the scale, (saying) Subhanallah and Alhamdulilah would fill the space between the heavens and earth. Prayer is a noor (light) and charity is an evidence (of one’s true faith), patience is radiance and the Qur’an is a witness for you or against you. All men go out early in the morning and sell themselves, thereby freeing themselves from the Fire, or doom themselves therein.’
(Muslim) - The Prophet (s) said: ‘Shall I not inform you of a word which is of the treasures of Jannah? Laa hawla wa laa quwata il’laa bil’laah.’
Meaning: ‘No condition would change from a state to another nor is there any power except by Allah.’
(Bukhari) - Jowaire’yah said that the Messenger of Allah (s) left her quarters while she was praying, and he returned well after the sun had risen. He found that she was (still) sitting remembering Allah. He then said: ‘Have you been in this state since I left you?’ She said: ‘Yes!’ The Prophet (s) :
‘I said four words three times and were they to be weighed with all that you have said, they would outweigh them…
Subhanallah wa be'ham'de'he a'da'da khalqe'he wa re'daa naf'se'he wa ze'nata arshe'he wa me'daada ka'le'maatih.'
Meaning: I repeat the declaration that Allah is far removed from every imperfection, a number of times equal to the number of His creation, and until He is pleased.